How to Install cPanel on Centos?
Log (SSH) into your server as root.yum users should run the following command: yum install perl
up2date users should run the following command: up2date -i perl
You need to change the hostname both in /etc/hosts, and in/etc/sysconfig/network. After you have changed the hostname in both files, run this command:
# hostname $newhostname
Replace $newhostname with the new hostname you put in /etc/hosts and /etc/sysconfig/network. You do not need to reboot the server.
To install cPanel & WHM, run these commands:
cd /home — Opens the /home directory.
wget -N http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/latest — Fetches the latest installation files from cPanel's servers.
sh latest — Opens and executes the installation files.
Please allow 30 min - 1 hour for the installation to finish
To access the WHM interface:
Enter https://$IP:2087 into your preferred web browser.
$IP represents your server's IP address.
Enter root into the Name field.
Enter your root password into the Password field.
Click Log In.